Friday, August 22, 2008



Last month, we issued a challenge at - make a trailer for a movie that would be a sequel to a Hollywood film that should never, ever have a sequel made.

Ninety-six filmmaking teams responded and said that they could do it, but six weeks later only 23 had managed to finish their trailers. Amazingly, however, all 22 of those films have something really cool in them.

We'll be showing the Top 10 films and awarding prizes at the BEST OF UNNECESSARY SEQUELS screening this Sunday night at the Ritz, but before we get there, I'd like to invite you to be one of the judges.

Head over to, create a User ID, and you can watch and vote for your favorite films. We'll be pulling the list of the Top Ten by tomorrow night, so head over to Filmmaking Frenzy and be part of the contest now!

Need more convincing? Just look at all the titles we've got in this year's contest:

Alien Vs. Predator Vs. Rocky

Bonnie & Clyde: Resurrection

Charlotte's Web 2: All the Pig's Men

Close Encounters of the 4th Kind

Clue 2: Hint

Fatal Attraction 2: The Bunny-Boiler's Back

Fight Club 2

Harold & Maude II: A Love for the Ages

It's A Wonderful Life 2: Wings of Vengeance

Little Miss Horsesh*t

OTT: The Rise of Mike Hawk

Over the Top 2: Armageddon

Powder 2: Powder to the People

Sixth Sense 2: Brokeback City

Snakes On A Train... Again!

The Brunch Punch

The Eighth Seal

The Monster Squad 2

The Real Outsiders

The Seventh Sense

The Zapruder Film 2: Declassified

Willy Wonka: Requiem for a Cocoa Bean

5 to 9: It's No Way To Make A Living

And if you'd like to watch the ten best films and see the filmmakers' faces when they win this Sunday, you can get tickets to the screening at the Ritz right here.

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