Tuesday, December 25, 2007


The holidays are in full swing, and so is the annual HIGH FOR THE HOLIDAYS festival at the Alamo Ritz Theatre. We've brought back a lot of last year's favorites, including HAROLD & KUMAR GO TO WHITE CASTLE featuring all-you-can-eat White Castle-style burgers, DARK SIDE OF THE RAINBOW, the classic pairing of Pink Floyd and the Wizard of Oz, and BEERFEST featuring live Beerlympics before the movie. But the runaway new hit premiere of the season is undoubtedly (GOOD) FRIDAY.

(GOOD)FRIDAY does what USA's Up All Night was always too scared to even try - we've taken the most profanity-laced film of all time and redubbed the audio so that all the bad words and drug references are gone. In their place we've added the most family-friendly white guy voice you've ever had the pleasure of hearing. Now, changing the dialogue from original lines like, "I don't give a f*ck" to the new, friendlier, "I don't really mind either way!" will, from time to time, change the entire meaning of the scene. But that's exactly what makes this new version of FRIDAY even funnier than the original. So grab a 40 oz of milk and head down to the Alamo Ritz this holiday season.

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