Monday, May 14, 2007

Tuesday - John Erler's One-Man He-Man Show!

John Erler's been working overtime lately. In addition to heading up Master Pancake Theater's presentation of PRETTY WOMAN, he's been burning the midnight oil to put together his One-Man He-Man show, completely rewriting all of the dialogue for THE SECRET OF THE SWORD, the originally-made-for-TV-but-then-theatrically-released-anyway He-Man and She-Ra movie. John's been making Skeletor voices for years, and if you saw any of the Sinus Christmas shows back in the day, you've seen him redub cartoons before (pudding... butter...) but combining those two talents into one feature-length combination? That's like chocolate and peanut butter, like Milli meeting Vanilli, like Prince Adam and Cringer... By the power of Grayskull, don't miss it!

Advance tickets avaiable here.

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