THRILLERFEST: Thrill the World 2010
DATE: Saturday, October 23, Lesson @ 3pm, Dance @6pm
NEW LOCATION: The Highball
(due to rain concerns)
Grab your tickets HERE!
Because even zombies are affected by rain (have you *seen* RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD?), and our sources tell us it's supposed to be all sorts of stormy on Saturday, we will be moving the Thriller event this year to INSIDE at THE HIGHBALL.
You can check in at the Highball beginning at 2pm, and the lesson will start at 3pm. On your way in, make sure you SIGN IN if you are going to dance, because we need to have a true and accurate count of how many dancers join us so we can report back to Thrill the World HQ. You’ll still be able to pay your admission at the door on the day of the event, but pre-registering online may save you time at the doors. To get your advance tickets click here, and remember that proceeds from this event go to help support Scare For A Cure and their battle against breast cancer – PLUS you get $10 off the Zombie Ball on Oct 30, where we will be heading back to take our revenge on Seaholm and performing again. But even though we’re inside – be dressed as a zombie!
The doors will be open to the public beginning at 2pm. The amazing Craig Ries will lead us through a COMPLETE dance lesson starting at 3pm so even if you’ve never taken part in Thrill the World before you can show up and by the official Thrill time you will know it because he will be starting from SCRATCH.
Beginning around 4:30pm we’ll be working complete run throughs. From 4:30pm to 5:30p, we’ll keep rehearsing and rehearsing and rehearsing the dance, moving up from the slowed down track all the way up to full speed. Then we’ll take a quick break before reconvening at 5:45 to get lined up into a grid and give everyone as much space as possible for the official Thrill Time. At PRECISELY 6:00pm we’ll all start to rise from our zombie graves and break into a zombie march with some shoulder snaps at the EXACT SAME TIME as people are dancing in other cities and countries around the world. At 6:08pm we’ll jump up and down and cheer and clap for ourselves and our amazing awesomeness, then we’ll all sing along to a stirring rendition of “Heal the World,” which will also be happening in various locations all around the planet. We’ll take a short break after that and will have a party photo booth where you and your group can get your zombie portraits taken by Trevor Ray Thompson.
At 6:30pm the McCallum High orchestra will be performing an instrumental MJ melody on the Highball stage, and after that, we’ll go into straight into a Michael Jackson dance party featuring a selection of his best music videos presented on all the screens at the Highball. Dance on the dance floor, grab dinner at the Highball, or just soak up the MJ vibes. After that you may be exhausted, BUT if you still have more dance in you, feel free to keep on keeping on at the Highball for The Action Pack’s new Music Video Dance party, where we’ll keep on with the force, don’t stop all the way to 2am. And don’t forget! Your $10 door fee and donation to Scare For A Cure also gets you $10 off your admission to next week’s Zombie Ball back at Seaholm. We’re going to gather a legion of zombies there for a special encore performance of Thriller, so be sure to join us for that.
All right, all together now, let’s grab our crotches, yell out “A hee hee!” and make this a PARTY!
Get tickets now!
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