Oct 23, 2pm at Seaholm Power Plant in Downtown Austin
$10, proceeds go to Scare For A Cure
Grab your advance tix now right here
Check out an advance dance lesson at the Highball this week!
In 2008 we did our Roar Turns all over the Long Center Pavilion. In 2009, we moved the party over to the yard behind the Seaholm Power Plant in downtown Austin, and this year we're going to Rock On Rock On Rock On Rock On right there. Because this is THRILLERFEST 2010 and we're going to do it up bigger and better than ever.
If you've never heard of ThrillerFest or Thrill The World, though, here's the deal: In 2006, Ines Markeljevic taught 62 people the iconic choreography for Michael Jackson's Thriller, then had them all dance together at the same time in a public place in Toronto, CA. Even with that number of people, she set a new Guinness World Record, and media impressions reached into the millions.
In 2007, using a sophisticated system of cell phones and watches, she expanded and had 1,722 people in 52 cities on 5 continents dancing to Thriller at exactly the same time, setting a new world record.
Back in 2008, we realized that this was something we needed to be a part of, so we flew Ines down to Austin so she could teach classes here and we could build a new legion of zombie dancers to be a part of the tradition. That year Austin had 881 people dance along with the rest of the 4,179 people from 10 nations (Australia, Canada, England, Germany, Ireland, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, Scotland, United States of America, and Wales)and we became a part of the King of Pop's history forever.
Last year, of course, MJ left us all much too soon, and to protect his memory 22,571 people joined in the Thrill the World event worldwide.
This year, the world will be thrilled again, and we've put out a call all over Texas to have people join us at the ThrillerFest event here in Austin on October 23, 2010. The official dance time world wide this year is 6pm CST, and we're going to start our event at 2pm with a COMPLETE dance lesson so that everyone who shows up that day can have a chance to participate.
Of course, you'll be able to be a much stronger dancer if you take some time to rehearse ahead of time, and there are a few ways to do that:
NUMBER 1: Check out Ines' YouTube page and work your way through her lessons at your own pace. You've got a couple of weeks (depending on when you're reading this) so if you get going you can really learn the whole thing and be a master by Thrill Time.
NUMBER 2: Check the calendar at The Highball and take a group dance lesson there, or join in with Sustainable Waves as they prep up for the Zombie Ball.
Or, of course, you could always do both! Then you'll be the grand master when you join us on October 23.
We've partnered with Scare for a Cure again this year and will be donating proceeds from the event to their efforts to frighten off breast cancer. $10 will get you in the gates this year, but if you feel like donating more to their cause you can bring more to help out at the event.
Plus! Your $10 donation will also get you $10 off of entrance to the Zombie Ball featuring White Ghost Shivers and Roky Erickson when we do a reprise of the dance on Oct 30!
A hee hee!
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