The Action Pack presents the
Oct 14, 21 & 28 at the Alamo Ritz
Advance tix to all shows available right here
For weeks now I've been saying, "I'll do it on the night," over and over and over again. Well tonight at the Ritz it finally *is* the night - that's right, it's time for the SHAUN OF THE DEAD QUOTE-ALONG and we are going to bash some zombie brains in with the best quotes about having red on you that have ever been uttered in movie history.
But perhaps even more exciting than the simple fact that we not only get to enjoy Edgar Wright's zom-rom-com on the big screen again while quoting along with key lines that are subtitled karaoke style is that we'll also be giving away free cricket bats so we can bash in the heads of any zombies that happen to be sitting next to us every time Shaun is attacking one of their undead brethren!
That's right, we special ordered some *hilarious* cricket bats straight out of China, and after they arrived in Alamo HQ this week we spent most of our afternoons bopping each other in the brains. Tomorrow night, we'll be inviting YOU to bop your friends and neighbors in the brains with those very same cricket bats, and the startling reality of the coming zombie apocalypse will chill your ones as you realize that one day you may ACTUALLY HAVE TO BASH IN YOUR FRIEND'S BRAINS...
But not today! Today we're okay, and so we're turning the Alamo Ritz into the Winchester for one night only. Because think about it - we have strong doors, a secret exit into the back alley if anything gets too out of hand, the balconies in the main theater and a projection booth to hide in... heck, if zombies actually attack us there's even a secret ladder to the roof that I'll show you, and from that roof we can jump over to the next one, then we can find a safe way down, steal your step dad's Jaguar, and take a short cut to safety!
Just be sure to practice your zombie groaning before the show. It's vacant, with a hint of sadness. You're dead and you hate it - go!
As an extra bonus, if you attend tonight's screening you'll have a chance to win prizes and tickets to Scare for a Cure's H1Z1:Zombie Wasteland! If you would like to simply purchase tickets to the Wasteland because you're scared of winning, you cna also enter "ALAMO" at check out for a $2 Discount.(Henri Mazza)
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