PREDATORS - starts Thusday 7/8 at midnight @Ritz
Advance tickets available here
Yes, the long awaited quality-sequel to the gloriously awesome 1980s PREDATOR series has finally come. Does it have intergalactic explosions? Sure does. Is it better than AVP: ALIEN VS. PREDATOR? Bet your bottom dollar it is. Does it star hunky-nosy Adrien Brody? Absolutely.
PREDATORS is awesome, and it's got a lot going for it. For one, it is shot right here in Austin Texas! But it isn't the Bat City of tacos and hipsters that you're used to; it's Austin dressed up to look like an alien combat planet. The film is also produced by Austin hero Robert Rodriguez and it stars the greatest living Trejo, Danny Trejo. Rodriguez and Trejo team up again for this year's much anticipated MACHETE, but you can see them first in PREDATORS.
The film is remarkably faithful to the world of the original films. It constantly hearkens back to the original series and will make you feel right at home amidst the killing and the combat. The story: a group of trained killers are abducted and brought onto an alien planet. They soon realize they are being hunted by an elite new species of Predators. The tables have turned but the action's still explosive.
And best of all, Mr. Adrien Brody is awesome as the lead mercenary. He has bulked up since his days winning Academy Awards, and now he's ripped. For much of the second half of the film, Brody is going shirtless and let me tell you, he's been doing some pushups.
Get your tickets for this great show now.
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