Wednesday at Lake Creek Tickets Here
July 14th is the only day of 2010 with no professional sporting events. It’s the day after the MLB All-Star game and the baseball players are still off. All the other major sports are off season and the World Cup is but a fading memory. So, what’s a sports fan to do? Hang out with their family? Hell no. Horror Remix gots yo back with the most dangerous game: appalling sports-horror movies. For those not familiar with Horror Remix, think of this as bloody Cliffs Notes full of awesome.
Horror Remix takes 3 similarly themed films from the golden age of gore and condenses them all to 2-hours full of win! This month, HR takes the “offensive” on FATAL GAMES (1984), THE MAJORETTES (1986), and KILLER WORKOUT (1986). Spandex, legwarmers, shower scenes, ‘roid rage and bodies stuffed in lockers. Killer Workout is all you hoped for, and so much more. As always, Horror Remix is FREE, but you can guarantee your seat with a $5 food voucher. So, get off the bench and get into the game, before it’s too late!
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