The Action Pack presents
Sunday, June 27 at the Ritz
Unless they're the ultra-hilarious Master Pancake Theater, there's nothing more annoying than people heckling a movie. Their voices interrupt the characters, and even if their jokes are really good you end up missing some key line of dialog that would make the next joke even better. We first started doing Hecklevision because we thought, "Man it sure is fun drinking beer and making fun of movies, but how can we expand this from our living rooms to incorporate more people (like a whole theater full)?"
Enter Hecklevision - We pick some hilariously horrible movies (but movies we can't help but love anyway) and through the magic of MuVChat technology we let you text your heckles silently, then they appear up on the screen below the main action. When you don't have anything to contribute to the heckle conversation you can sit back and watch the movie and still hear every single line while enjoying other peoples heckles on the screen. The beauty of Hecklevision resides in the fact that you can assign yourself a nickname or none at all for when your heckle appears on screen, so if your joke totally bombs, no one has to know (except you). We started with the easy targets of Lifetime Original movies, but have since started going after the big boys because frankly, it's way more fun.
And this week is no exception with The Action Pack's presentation of The Lost World: Jurassic Park II in Hecklevision. When IMDB has such trivia listed for your movie as "As Kelly is doing her gymnastics in the shack before kicking the Raptor out, you can see the hand guards that gymnasts use," you know your movie is ripe for The Action Pack's Hecklevision treatment.
Seriously, apart from the overly elaborate teenage gymnastic raptor kicking, if you had a plan B site for your ridiculously expensive and wildly dangerous dinosaur operation, would you really not include fences? And if you're Steven Spielberg and you want to make a serious action movie, would you really cast Jeff Goldblum and Vince Vaughn as your dramatic leads? Well, hecklers, feel free to set your phones to pre-historic because we are going to blast this one back to the Triassic period. And if we can't blast, at least we know it might be susceptible to a uneven bar summersault kick.
(Greg MacLennan)
Talkin bout TRAMPLED UNDER FOOT! C3 PRESENTS offers up 3 pairs of tickets to Led Zeppelin 2, The Live Experience! Thursday July 1st @ La Zona Rosa!!
Enter Hecklevision - We pick some hilariously horrible movies (but movies we can't help but love anyway) and through the magic of MuVChat technology we let you text your heckles silently, then they appear up on the screen below the main action. When you don't have anything to contribute to the heckle conversation you can sit back and watch the movie and still hear every single line while enjoying other peoples heckles on the screen. The beauty of Hecklevision resides in the fact that you can assign yourself a nickname or none at all for when your heckle appears on screen, so if your joke totally bombs, no one has to know (except you). We started with the easy targets of Lifetime Original movies, but have since started going after the big boys because frankly, it's way more fun.
And this week is no exception with The Action Pack's presentation of The Lost World: Jurassic Park II in Hecklevision. When IMDB has such trivia listed for your movie as "As Kelly is doing her gymnastics in the shack before kicking the Raptor out, you can see the hand guards that gymnasts use," you know your movie is ripe for The Action Pack's Hecklevision treatment.
Seriously, apart from the overly elaborate teenage gymnastic raptor kicking, if you had a plan B site for your ridiculously expensive and wildly dangerous dinosaur operation, would you really not include fences? And if you're Steven Spielberg and you want to make a serious action movie, would you really cast Jeff Goldblum and Vince Vaughn as your dramatic leads? Well, hecklers, feel free to set your phones to pre-historic because we are going to blast this one back to the Triassic period. And if we can't blast, at least we know it might be susceptible to a uneven bar summersault kick.
(Greg MacLennan)
Talkin bout TRAMPLED UNDER FOOT! C3 PRESENTS offers up 3 pairs of tickets to Led Zeppelin 2, The Live Experience! Thursday July 1st @ La Zona Rosa!!
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