IT CAME FROM KUCHAR - Wednesday 6/23 at 7:00pm @Ritz
Advance tickets available here
The Kuchar Brothers, George and Mike, are the wittiest and most palatable of the underground filmmakers from the heyday of 8/16mm filmmaking in the 1960s. Unlike the dreadfully boring exercises of the structuralists like Michael Snow and Hollis Frampton, the baffling images of experimental filmmakers like Andy Warhol or Stan Brakhage, or even the surreal and indecipherable films of directors like Maya Deren and Kenneth Anger, the Kuchar Brothers’ films are fun, crazy, and accessible. Most importantly, they don’t feel like a school lesson.
Their style is a meshing of a lot of diverse instincts; utilizing home-movie techniques and film stock, a satirical use of high-camp, a handful of bizarre science fiction musings and a very unhealthy dash of good old fashioned American sleaze, their films are great because they exist in a space of free-spirited moviemaking, wholly outside of the Hollywood system but emulating the Hollywood film through excess.
There’s a new documentary about the brothers and their films. This doc is a detailed and humorous portrait of the Kuchar Brothers' life and work, and is filled with great interviews and stories about the 1960s and filmmaking in the shadows of American culture. Both brothers led unique and bizarre lives, and this movie captures the insane and twisted stories of George and Mike and the underground cinema movement in general.
This is a must see for anyone interested in alternative cinema, or even anyone interested in no-budget filmmaking generally.
Only 1 showing left of this great documentary. Wednesday 6/23 at 7:00pm.
Get your tickets for this great show now
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