HIGH FOR THE HOLIDAYS at The Ritz, Dec 23 - Jan 6!!!
This holiday season, feel free to sit around a fireplace listening to an old CD of Jingle Bells with your family. There's nothing wrong with that, and we respect you if that's what you want to do with yourself.
As for us, we're spicing it up a bit with a bevy of movies that have nothing to do with the holidays, but plenty to do with getting high (or drunk). From the mind-warping insanity of mutant-psychedelic classic THE HOLY MOUNTAIN to our now-classic all-you-can-eat burger show of the original HAROLD & KUMAR to ultimate odes to drunken insanity like THE HANGOVER and BEERFEST (with Beerlympics!), we have truly learned how to make Santa's nose just a little more rosy red.
Not only that, but we're mixing up an aperatif of special activities to go along with each film that makes it more than a movie, giving audience members the chance to win great prizes from MR. NICE GUYS! There's no doubt...this year, High for the Holidays will be a transcendental experience!
Get the whole HIGH FOR THE HOLIDAYS rundown HERE!
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