AVATAR in State-of-the-Art 4K Digital 3D!
Click here for tickets to South Lamar
Click here for tickets to Village
"It's thrilling and lovely and sad and explosive in all the right ways, and it needs to be seen – on the big screen, in 3-D – to be believed. 4 Stars."
Mark Savlov, The Austin Chronicle
When we first saw images from James Cameron's latest $300 million dollar behemoth, one word came to mind- "Ferngully." But then we were treated to 20 minutes of sneak-peak footage at Fantastic Fest, and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. All the hype about the groundbreaking technology developed just to make this film pays off in a big big way. 60% CGI, 40% live action, 10,000% fun. This movie is GORGEOUS- you MUST see it in digital 3D, cause if you're seeing it in 2D, you're not seeing AVATAR. Worth. Every. Penny.
And now at Alamo South Lamar & the Village, we've got brand new, ahead-of-the-state-of-the-art Sony 4K Digital Projectors, which render Cameron's world like you won't believe.
In the distant future, Jake Sully, a paraplegic war veteran, is offered a second chance in the military. He's transported to a planet called Pandora, where the world's armed forces have been put in a fierce battle against the planet's native species (the Na'Vi) for years, struggling to mine a vital energy source for earth, which rests under the Na'Vi settlement.
See it at Village or South Lamar
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