The Action Pack presents
Monday Feb. 21 at South Lamar"I am not 'Mr. Lebowski'. I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing."
The Action Pack is bringing The Big Lebowski Quote-Along back and better than ever. How can it get better you ask? Well first off, we're bringing THE BIG LEBOWSKI QUOTE-ALONG BACK! Complete with highlighted lines for you to quote-along with, karaoke style, inflatable bats to beat each other with as you yell out, "This is what happens when you..." ah you get the idea. We'll also have Hotel California in Spanish for you to sing, over-sized men's underwear to toss in the air, and last but not least...the Jesus.
If that wasn't enough to drag you out of the house tonight maybe this little gem will, ANY TIME two hours before or after the show, you can stroll into the
Highball for $3 White Russians and 50% off your first hour of bowling.
So slide on that Little Lebowski Urban Achiever shirt and head on down to S. Lamar early or stay late, because it's going to be totally far out, at least that's just... like our opinion...man.
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