The Cinema Club and Don Graham Present:
Sunday 4/17, 7:00 @Ritz
Advance tickets available here
Next Sunday April 17, join us at the Ritz for a true Texas classic, Howard Hawks’ RED RIVER, on the glorious big screen. After the movie, we’ll talk about the film’s history and meaning with our special guest, Don Graham. If you happened to catch our Texas Show a few years back with Don and Joe Bob Briggs, you know you’re in for an informative and fun evening.
Cinema Club is an interactive series that highlights the appreciation and discussion of classic films from cinema history. At each screening a prominent expert will introduce an essential film classic. Following the film, the speaker and members of our programming team will lead a discussion of the film, offering insight into the film’s production, history, and artistic qualities. This month our guest will be Don Graham, University Of Texas Professor of English and author of “Cowboys And Cadillacs: How Hollywood Looks At Texas” and the new book “State Of Minds: Texas Culture and Its Discontents”, which will be available for sale after the show.
Though RED RIVER was Howard Hawks’ first western, it rides easy in the saddle as one of the great American classics. No less an eminence than John Ford, when erroneously credited with RED RIVER by a fan, responded, “Thank you very much.” As a drama it has real heft, the scale is as vast as the cattle country and the conflict between father (John Wayne, never better) and adopted son (Montgomery Clift) is primal. Along the way there is also lightness and humor (which thankfully is not so Fordian) as well as the most beautiful and iconic cattle drive scenery ever captured.
Get your tickets for this great show now!
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