The Action Pack presents: ROBOT JOX in HECKLEVISION
Sunday, January 17th at the Ritz
You know those movies that are so bad that, with a guilty conscience, you kind of love? Well, The Action Pack knows the feeling. That's why we created these HECKLEVISION shows! The basic idea is, we show movies that we really want to make fun of while we watch, but sometimes, unless everyone you know is the Master Pancake crew, listening to people mock a movie is super duper annoying. HECKLEVISION takes out the noise factor and replaces it with TECHNOLOGY! We use a program called MuV Chat (it's like "movie" - but spelled wrong!) that allows users to send a text message to a specific phone number, and then that text message appears on screen. And, if your text is ultra hilarious, the audience will laugh and laugh and you will feel a certain sense of pride. If your text was dumb, and nobody liked it, you can feel safe knowing that you are hidden in a crowd and that nobody knew it was you (unless you set your handle to be your first and last name...). We have decided that ROBOT JOX is just the movie to text to!
Let the Action Pack's Greg MacLennan tell you about the movie:
In a post-World War III world, war has become outlawed and disputes between the super powers are now settled by genetically enhanced super soldiers known as Robot Jox who operate skyscraper-sized robots that combine to become the ultimate killing machines. Stuart Gordon's entry into the way-too short-lived subgenre of robot warrior movies of the early 1990s has all the flash and bang of a young Michael Bay on a shoestring budget. Joe Haldeman, whose sole film credit is this movie, creates verbal poetry with lines like "I kill you already... (points to head) in here.," and "You make my drink taste like blood!" Audio pearls fly at you fast and furiously as the world's two biggest super powers, The Market (good) and The Confederation (bad), face off in a battle for Alaska. A film about gigantic robots battling it out in exotic locales can't be bad, and that's why it makes for a perfect billing for this month̢۪s Hecklevision! Gordon tried to make a live action anime, and I dare say he more than succeeds. Throw in an over the top Texan named "Tex" (duh!) who serves as a glorified one man cheerleading squad, and a menacing evil Russian bad guy named "Alexander"(double duh!) whose robot has a gigantic chainsaw penis, and you got yourself a party. So come on out, arm yourselves with your texting devices, and call yourselves "Techno Jox" as you battle it out for the best Heckle, because in this new age of war, it's not over until somebody wins. (Greg MacLennan)
So bring some witty comments and maybe upgrade your cell plan to unlimited texts!
The Action Pack presents: ROBOT JOX in HECKLEVISION
Sunday, January 17th at the Ritz
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