THE BIG LEBOWSKI w/ White Russian Drink Specials!
Wednesday, January 6 @ The Ritz
Advance tickets available here
This is officially the last High For The Holidays screening this year...sad to see it go, but this is the best possible way to say goodbye! THE BIG LEBOWSKI is and always will be an unstoppable punch of 100% pure, uncut Coen-lumbian entertainment! Plus, for this show only, enjoy White Russian drink specials!
From Booze Movies: "THE BIG LEBOWSKI deserves the ever-growing group of passionate devotees it has built up over the years. Although it's a strange cocktail, the picture is well-written, expertly directed, and beautifully acted (especially by Jeff Bridges and John Goodman, who have never been better). The Coen Brothers have described THE BIG LEBOWSKI as their Raymond Chandler story, and it contains all the trappings of the author's hardboiled mystery novels, including the alcohol. Secondly, as a bowling-themed comedy, liquor is a given. Finally and most importantly, THE BIG LEBOWSKI is the ultimate movie for White Russian fans. The Dude fuels his detective work with numerous helpings the sweet drink, which he often refers to as "Caucasians." As long as there is 'half and half' dripping from his mustache, the Dude abides."
Get those tickets here!
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