Thursdays, May 14, 21 & 28 at the Ritz
advance tix available here
When you think of ‘90s fashion your instincts probably lead you to the flannels and ripped jeans and long greasy haired guys of grunge first and foremost. And it’s true, grunge was a big part of the ‘90s. But as the eclectic mix of artists in our collection of One-Hit Wonders will show you, there were so many other things happening back then as well.
Remember when the Gap decided that suddenly swing should make a comeback, so then everyone started wearing khaki pants? And wallet chains. Dear god, the wallet chains just wouldn’t cease.
The 1990s also gave us the Reebok Pump, Rollerblades, Beanie Babies, and The Macarena.
So get your slap bracelets out, catch up on your SAVED BY THE BELL, and get ready for the ultimate dance party of the millenium - the previous millenium, I mean.(Henri)
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