Stephen Romano's Shock Festival: STARCRASH
Tuesday, October 21, 9:30pm
Acclaimed author/screenwriter Stephen Romano (MASTERS OF HORROR) invites you to the world premiere of his brand new book Shock Festival, a tribute to exploitation film, featuring ONE HUNDRED AND ONE of the most awesome drive-in/grindhouse flicks YOU'VE NEVER SEEN! Why haven't you seen them? Because Stephen made 'em all up! Shock Festival is a wild ride through the twisted back alleys of a Hollywood Babylon that never was (think SPINAL TAP meets GRINDHOUSE), and tonight we're celebrating its arrival with a rare screening of the most awesome outer space drive-in classic of the seventies: STARCRASH! Laser battles! Intergalactic cavemen! A space fortress that looks like a big blue hand! The most beautiful leather babe that ever kicked ass in thigh-high boots! The worst special effects ever seen! All this- and David Hasselhoff!? Yep, you heard us right! DAVID HASSELHOFF. And he's got a lightsaber, too! This Italian schlock classic was the inspiration for Romano's book, and we got our hands on a widescreen 35mm Dolby Stereo print just for the occasion! And to do it up right, we're also presenting TONS of swell drive-in movie trailers from just about every genre of "psychotronic"� film! It's a celebration of fringe exploitation cinema like no other, so come ready to be "blasted beyond the blackness of a hundred million nights!"
Get your ticket here.
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