Opens Friday, Oct 3 at the Ritz!
Advance tickets available here
Three and a half stars from the Austin Chronicle!
"A film that's destined to make a lot of people mad, but Maher, for all his showy atheistic 'doubt,' isn't just trying to crucify religion -- he truly wants to know what makes it tick. He leaves no stone tablet unturned." - Owen Glieberman, Entertainment Weekly
"Religulous is often brilliant. It's definitely hilarious, sometimes to the point of leaving me wheezing and giggling...9 out of 10..." - Devin Farachi,
Behind all the controversy that has kept RELIGULOUS out of most theaters nationwide there lies a really, really funny movie. It might not be for everyone, but for those of you who don't mind a little doubt, we're certain that a lot of you will enjoy it as much as we intend to. Check out the trailer and see what we're excited by.
No religion is safe from the sharp aim--and still sharper wit--of Bill Maher in this comic look at organized belief systems around the world. This controversial documentary is directed by Larry Charles, who previously made both fans and foes with BORAT.
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