The Action Pack presents
Sun, Jan. 23 at Alamo Ritz
Advance tickets available here
Presented in HeckleVision - your texted jokes appear live on the screen with the movie!
Sure, it's easy enough to suspend your disbelief when you're watching a fantastical adventure fantasy (outrunning boulders IS pretty outrageous, after all), but when that disbelief jumps out of a Jeep and starts swinging with monkeys from trees, escaping from nuclear explosions in refrigerators, and pursuing crystal skulls in an attempt to unlock alien secrets? Well, that's when it's time for you to tell that disbelief you've had it with him and move on 'cause you're too good for him, girl.
Listen, we're all a little hurt about this one. We expected great things out of the latest Indiana Jones, but it just didn't come together. And the only way we're going to overcome this tragedy is for all of us to band together and laugh...because laughter cures everything. Except cancer; I'm pretty sure that one is still best cured with traditional medicine.
Indy's still got it. Crazy Russians are after him, and Shia Laboeuf is threatening to take over the franchise. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Hecklevision offers the latest in heckle technology that allows you to mock the film right from your seat with the power of your cellular telephone. No one will know if you laugh at your own jokes, so it's OK to have a stupid smug face of satisfaction when an audience erupts with laughter at your doing because the gloves come off and the funny flies freely as our battle of wits is streamed LIVE onscreen for everyone's enjoyment.
Sure it's a hodge-podge of self-parody, phony nostalgia, and constant winks to the audience. But it's OUR hodge-podge of self-parody and phony nostalgia . Even though we deserved better, we keep coming back to this latest chapter of a once perfect trilogy and staring into its dead, soulless eyes searching for some clue as to where it exactly all went wrong.
So come on, what are you waiting for? Grab a ticket and let's vent these frustrations together.
Tickets available HERE.
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