Wednesday, September 1, 2010

MACHETE explodes on screen at Ritz & Village this weekend!

MACHETE Opens 9/3
Advance Tickets on sale now! Click here for Ritz and here for Village.

Get ready, hombres, for an explosive weekend as MACHETE finally hacks its way across our screens at the Village and the Ritz.

This is the one we've been waiting three long years for, folks -- ever since we saw GRINDHOUSE and said, "man, that's such an awesome trailer, they should make that a movie for reals!"

MACHETE stars the most badass human being on the planet, Danny Trejo, a hitman who's choice weapon is, yup... A MACHETE!! When a set-up on a fake job leads to his near murder, he sets out on a no-holds-barred revenge spree that guarantees excessive violence, gore, and nudity. In other words, all the stuff great movies are made of!

P.S. Tickets for the blow-out premiere at the Paramount on Thursday are sold out. BUT, word is there might still be tickets available for the blow-out after-party! Go here for tickets and details!

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