Weird Wednesday: CONVENTION GIRLS...only $1!
Since the fall of 2001, the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema has been hosting a series of exploitation classics, especially curated by our own film guru Lars Nilsen: from cheerleaders gone bad to blaxploitation to killer mutant animals to cheesy 80's slashers to women in prison. Many of these films are so obscure that little is known or has been written about them. Some of them are bad, all of them are enjoyable, and a rare few are mind-blowingly amazing. Weird Wednesdays is the vanguard of cinema exploration in Austin. Join us every Wednesday at midnight!
THIS WEEK!: On the surface this is one of those '70s "group of girls" movies, inspired by the success of New World Pictures' nursesploitation movies. There were tons of films that followed the day to day problems and concerns of a group of shapely nurses, cheerleaders, student teachers etc. Finally the interesting and talented Florida exploitation director Joseph Adler (SCREAM BABY SCREAM) got around to making one about the hookers who populate trade shows and industry functions. That's the starting point, anyway. On a deeper level it's about integrity and the pride of doing a good job. Rather than simply serving as a backdrop for sexploitative highjinks, the toy convention is at the core of the film. The hero of the piece is a dollmaker who refuses to sell out to a dark toy conglomerate, and it's not hard to make the case that he's like a film maker who does the best he can under every circumstance - like Adler himself. The story arcs that illustrate the central conflict of the film are tied together by the prostitutes who attend the convention and weave in and out of the various relationships. It's a really good film, with more similarities to Altman than to the usual flesh pageants of the era.
Don't miss out on our unique exploitation film series! Get your ticket HERE!
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