THANKSGIVING DOESN'T GET BETTER THAN THIS!There's a very special holiday weekend coming up. Where other "special days" revolve around tradition, religion, romance or banks closing, THANKSGIVING is the holiday that most centers on
FOOD. And next to movies, food is our favorite thing!
That's why the Alamo is proud to offer a
TRUE Thanksgiving experience at our Ritz, South Lamar and Village locations. There's gonna be food a-plenty available to order at all of our
Thanksgiving Day screenings. Order the optional “Thanksgiving Feast” ticket and you’ll not only get admission to the show, but also a heaping plate of all these classic hits! Featuring:
Turkey and gravy!
Cranberry sauce!
Green bean casserole!
Sweet potatoes (yes, the kind with the marshmallows on top!)
Yeast roll!
Then finish it all off with a nice big slice of pumpkin pie!All this while watching a movie. And if you like, take in some of our exclusive Thanksgiving programming, like...oh, for instance, THE GREATEST THANKSGIVING MOVIE EVER MADE:
PLANES, TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILESHollywood has provided us with no shortage of classic Christmas films, but there is only ONE great Thanksgiving epic, and it is HERE. No fibbin'...this is the flat-out funniest holiday feature ever made, and deserves to stand tall in the ranks of Perfect Movies! John Candy gives his best-ever performance as shower curtain ring salesman Del Griffith, a carefree loser who takes uptight businessman Neal Page (Steve Martin) on the misadventure-ride of a lifetime. "Those aren't pillows!!"
(This film plays on Fri & Sat with regular screenings as well. Tix are
TEXAS VS. A&MWe've got a traditional homemade Thanksgiving Feast, open lovin' arms and THE big game of THE biggest season in a long Longhorn time on the big big Alamo screen! Watch the UT Longhorns battle their way toward an undefeated season against our friends and rivals to the south, the Texas A&M Aggies!
A $25 ticket reserves you a seat and the Thanksgiving meal. A $5 food and beverage voucher reserves you a seat WITHOUT the turkey dinner but you can then use the $5 voucher against anything else ordered during the game. If there are seats remaining the day of the game, admission will be free at the door. Oh yeah, and Aggie fans are welcome too! After all, Thanksgiving is the day for coming together and celebrating that for which we are thankful... and we are all, as Texans, most thankful for football.
That said, hook 'em.