Now playing Alamo Ritz & Village
Advance tickets available here
"Like Swift's Gulliver's Travels, BRÜNO defies you not to see yourself in its funhouse mirror. 3 1/2 Stars."
Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
The day we've been waiting for all Summer is here. BRÜNO has arrived. And there is no better way to wash down the cultural toxicity than with stiff BRÜNO cocktail and taking a bite of BRÜNO's Weiner Schnitzel only at the Alamo.
The Velcro Jumpsuit
Do NOT try to enjoy one of these at a fashion shoot in Milan, as we guarantee you'll be arrested. Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka with our house-made Lemonade. (Ritz only)
The Vassup!
For when you just want to be fabulous! Frangelico and Vanilla Vodka shaken over ice and served in a shot glass. (Ritz only)
The Gayby
Madonns's got one, Brangelina's got one, and now you can get one too! Kahlua, Bailey's and cream (shot). (Ritz only)
And since this week also marks the beginning of Fashion Week here in Austin, join us at the Sunday night Ritz show for a contest of Fashion Do's and Don'ts! Time to dust off those Z. Cavaricci's.
Tickets to BRÜNO at the Ritz
Tickets to BRÜNO at the Village (in gorgeous digital projection!)
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