Hey Homo! presents STRAIT-JACKET
sponsored in part by Rain on 4th
Tuesday, June 23, 7:15pm at the Ritz
Advance tix available here!
Ever wondered what the faces of the passengers of a train might look like right before it crashes into a snow bank and dives down a hill in flames? Probably the same kind of faces y'all a' gonna make when you watch the train wreck that is JOAN CRAWFORD as she brilliantly and mercilessly plows her way through one of the biggest buried treasures of the gay film fantasy archives!
HEY HOMO! proudly slices you a piece of the film intended to send ol' Joan back to the big bucks...to no avail! It's the axe-hacking tour de force that will leaved you shocked, stunned and proud to be in a dark theater to witness such a spectacle. It's the one and only...STRAIT-JACKET! They don't make 'em like this anymore, kids! A horrific melodrama with a storyline only a drunk queer could have thought of...and only Joan Crawford could have been attracted to.
Heads will roll, chickens! Heads will roll. Get up on it and come see ya' eager beaver hostess Rebecca Havemeyer as she chops ya' a new one!
(Rebecca Havemeyer)
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