Monday, April 13, 2009


Girlie Night presents
Tues, Apr 14, 7:45pm at the Ritz
Grab your tickets here

Two words: Mr. Darcy.

Seriously, this description should just end there because WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED? What more does ANY woman need than the brooding, handsome, totally swoon-worthy Mr. Darcy?

Ok, well, Pemberly doesn't hurt. Nor do all of the fancy balls and gorgeous dresses and romantic intrigue and GAH I want to hate Elizabeth Bennet for being such a lucky bitch but I can't. She's too awesome.

Now, you may be one of those Austen purists who will only watch the BBC version with Colin Firth (which is, admittedly, a masterpiece). If so, I feel the need to point out that hello, did you miss the POINT of the story? It's not good to be prideful OR prejudiced! Give this 2005 version a chance, and within minutes you'll be enchanted by the new interpretation of the characters (although Keira is still way too skinny) and even the non-Colin Firth Mr. Darcy (not, it turns out, an oxymoron!).

Oh you guys, I'm getting so excited just writing about it! Like when they almost kiss in the rain and when Judi Dench shows up and Lizzy realizes she still has a chance and OMG! I can't wait for Girlie Night so we can all swoon together! (Sarah Pitre)

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