Tuesday and Wednesday at the Ritz
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Many people are familiar with American pop singer Tiffany, who had a number of hit songs during the 1980s, including "I Think We're Alone Now" and "Could've Been." Less known is the story of two of Tiffany's most devoted stalkers: Jeffery Deane Turner, a 50ish man with severe Asperger's Syndrome, and hermaphrodite-in-transition Kelly McCormick. Sean Donnelly's documentary I THINK WE'RE ALONE NOW tells the stories of these obsessed fans.
Turner serves as an elder statesman of celebrity stalkers; he has been engaged in a pointless, multi-decade pursuit of Tiffany's attentions. In one famous incident during the late 80s (which is documented in the film) Turner showed up at Tiffany's emancipated minor hearing with a samurai sword and five white chrysanthemums.
Like Turner, Kelly McCormick is completely obsessed, which is evidenced by the dozens of Tiffany images that paper the walls of her barren apartment, and McCormick's disturbing, profane rants about being united with the pop singer. McCormick's obsession, however, exists in an entirely different space than Turner's and seems to be rooted in a big tangled knot of psychological and physiological dysfunction that defies glib descriptions.
I THINK WE'RE ALONE NOW packs enough mystery, horror, science-fiction and human intrigue into 100 minutes to fill a number of feature-length films. Everything in this film is completely true, however, and it's so strange that many will have a hard time believing it's real. (Rodney Perkins)
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