Alamo Ritz - Tuesday, Sept 30, 10pm
We haven’t had an Open Screen Night in well over a year now, so we’re hoping that you’ve had a chance to shoot some new movies, or find some new videos, or have a new favorite oddity that you want to share with the crowd. But because it’s been so long, there could also be some people reading this that have no idea what the heck I’m talking about.
So here’s the gist of the show: we play anything you bring to the theater with you. It’s like open mic night, but for filmmakers, and we don’t censor or prescreen or have any idea what we’re going to be showing until it’s up on the screen. All you have to do is show up, bring a DVD or video of something you want to see up on our screen, and we play it.
Well, we play two minutes of it, anyway.
Because sometimes people bring videos that are kinda… bad, we bring out the gong and allow our gonger the exclusive right of taking videos off the screen. Everyone has to listen and be nice for the first two minutes, but then we’ll have 10 second booing pockets where the audience can say yay or nay to your video. If they say nay loud enough, the gonger will be convinced, and your movie will be taken off screen.
If, however, the audience says only yay, and your movie is their absolute favorite of the night, you’ll not only get to screen the entire thing, bask in the glow of audience love, but you’ll also walk out of the theater with $100 in cash.
So go shoot something, or dig through your video collection, or steal a DVD from the bargain bin at Fry’s, and we’ll all watch it together Tuesday night.
Get your tickets here.
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