Monday, June 2, 2008


Let me make this simple for you: if THE FOOT FIST WAY isn't in your plans for this weekend yet, you need to change your plans. Most of the programming office here got to see this comedy gem when Patton Oswalt brought it with him last fall, and now that it's FINALLY being released, we've cleared our schedules so that we can watch it another five times this week alone. This isn't hyperbole; the movie is that good.

The film focuses on Fred Simmons, the self-proclaimed Master of the Demo (i.e., breaking boards in strip mall parking lots), and his life as the owner/teacher of a Tae Kwon Do studio in a small town. When his life falls apart, his monster-truck-loving southern side and his Eastern-philosophy-loving/face-kicking side collide in a clusterf*ck of machismo, idiocy, honor, hero worship, and most importantly, lots and lots of delusion. The movie immediately rises above the "mockumentary" trappings of everything you could expect from that genre, and joins, as Patton puts it, "REPO MAN, THE BIG LEBOWSKI, OFFICE SPACE, DAZED AND CONFUSED, AMERICAN MOVIE and BOTTLE ROCKET in the 'creates its own sub-category and then rules it' family of films." You can read more of what Patton has to say about the film on his website,, where he's dedicated the entire front page to nothing but his love for THE FOOT FIST WAY. Don't make him cry, Austin; come see the movie and cry tears of laughter instead.

Check out Lars' recent blog entry to see some of his favorite clips of Danny McBride as Fred Simmons from Funny Or Die.

Visit the official THE FOOT FIST WAY website and learn more tips for how to use strong combos to avoid being picked on by the local bullies.

Pick up your tickets to this weekend's screenings at Lamar here, and we'll see you at the next demo.

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