Swayze. Pancake. Making a difference with ROADHOUSE.
When we first heard that Patrick Swayze (RED DAWN, POINT BREAK) had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer back in January- we wanted to help and we wanted to celebrate, with all sincerity, one of our heroes, but we didn't want to come off as opportunists. What Swayze has given to the cinema is a real man, a nurturing warrior able to walk confidently into his own tragedy and out of it triumphantly. Initial reports of his cancer gave a prognosis of 'maybe three months, maybe' but Patrick Swayze is a fighter. Just this month, reports from his doctors have breathed new life into the legend, and placed him on the path to full recovery.
We decided we should do something- to help and to celebrate. For two nights only, the kind-hearted comedians of Master Pancake will perform their mockery (as the purest form of flattery) of the Swayze classic ROADHOUSE with all proceeds going toward pancreatic cancer research!
And if, by some insane chance or circumstance, you have never seen ROADHOUSE, then this is the time and place to do it. It's got a little something for everybody, and plenty of top-shelf Swayze to go around.
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