Each year around this time, we roll out a new volume of Super Happy Fun Monkey Bash, a 90 minute compilation of mind-boggling insanity from Japanese television. You'll see A-list American celebrities pimping themselves out for cheap Japanese products, bawdy situation comedies, unexpected nudity, extreme pro-wrestling, bizarre anti-flatulence products, nonsensical English phrases, supreme goofiness, and lots and lots of foam rubber costumes! We will also be featuring plenty of excerpts from the Japanese CNN (Chimpanzee News Network). Most importantly, however, the 2008 edition is a tribute to veteran TV funnyman Hitoshi Matsumoto. He's the best-known comedian in Japan today, sort of an Asian Will Ferrell but with an even stronger tendency towards humiliation and rubber costumes. We'll be featuring extended scenes from his long-running series DOWNTOWN as well as more recent spin-off shows such as Hey! Hey! Hey! Music Champ and no Subera nai Hanashi. All of this leads up to the U.S. theatrical premiere of Hitoshi Matsumoto's theatrical debut: BIG MAN JAPAN on April 25.
As with past editions of Super Happy Fun Monkey Bash we'll have a special Japanese menu and feature prizes and giveaways at every show. Check online for teaser clips and trailers from this and past Monkey Bash shows, and start marking the days in your pocket calendar until the happiest time of the year, Super Happy Fun Monkey Bash Day!
Get your tickets here, and watch the trailer now!
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