Yes, JUNO and ATONEMENT and NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN and THERE WILL BE BLOOD and MICHAEL CLAYTON were all exceptional films from last year, and each of them deserves a nod from Oscar. But they aren't the only nominees for Best Picture in this year's Academy Awards, because there are completely separate categories for Best Short Film, and isn't a short film still a Picture? So before you can say which film was *truly* the Best Picture of the year, you need to check out all of the features as well as all of the best shorts.
Unfortunately, the Academy doesn't see eye to eye with us on that issue (yet), and they've once again left Short Films in a category all by themselves. But just because Oscar doesn't give them as much attention as he lavishes on George Clooney and Daniel Day-Lewis, that doesn't mean that you have to be so short-sighted. We've got two programs of the Oscar Nominated Shorts playing this week at the Alamo South Lamar, so you can come down and make a double feature of the Live Action and Animated films or spread your pleasure across two nights. However you splice them up, though, don't miss this rare chance to see truly amazing shorts on the big screen. It'll increase your odds of winning your office's Oscar betting pool, and it will be the surprise treat of your film-viewing season.
Tickets to the Live Action Shorts are available here.
Click here for tickets to the Animated Shorts.
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