Terror Tuesday presents BOARDINGHOUSE aka HOUSEGEIST!
Tues, 11:20 PM, Ritz - Tix only $1!
"It's a movie with human beings in it, but this could not have possibly been made by human beings." - Bleeding Skull.com
The world ended in 1982. It's a little-known fact, and the proof lies in BOARDINGHOUSE, a supernaturally abnormal camcorder-made oddity that bursts through unexplored dimensions to bring you a truly life-altering, brain-hating viewing experience.
A telekinetic man in a thong bikini runs a newspaper ad to rent rooms in his haunted house to "beautiful women with no ties." Naturally, several respond and move in. Later, one of the ladies steps into the shower and turns into an old bald man with a rat in his mouth. Around this time, the refrigerator assaults the new boarders with a paranormal yogurt blast. There's also electrocution, a floating blob and about 912 other things you won't believe until you see them with your own eyes. Probably not even then.
Forget DEVIL FETUS, BLACK DEVIL DOLL FROM HELL and everything else in cinematic history. There is no film more insane on this planet.
Get yerrrr tickets!