Sunday, February 28, 2010
Silent Classic THE UNKNOWN with Live Score by THE INVINCIBLE CZARS!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Spike & Mike's Sick & Twisted Festival of Animation

I'd like to go ahead and say that this is the best time to type up this blog post, because I am watching the Spike and Mike show as we speak. So I know first hand that you will be super grossed out and giggly for a large portion of the show. Also, sometimes you will be going, "Uh, this is pretty stupid," and then whatever cartoon made you say that will be your pee break cartoon! See how it all works out! That's what Spike & Mike does, y'all. They make the world go round.
Spike & Mike's Sick & Twisted Festival of Animation has been an annual tradition at the Alamo Downtown for almost the entire existence of the theater. Spike didn't have the show ready for our usual January showdates this year - but that's only because he was busy packing in EVEN MORE disgusting shit than ever before. Every year we like to think that we've been so desensitized by the previous shows that nothing could shock us, and every year we're proven wrong. The 2010 collection is filled with so much that is so wrong that you'll be bleeding out of your eyes by the end of the show, and you'll be laughing so hard that your intestines will likely pop up out of your mouth and fly into the air, lassoing an unsuspecting audience member four rows down who will mistake your guts for a prop that's supposed to be used in the show and will start gleefully playing with them. And you'll still be laughing so hard at the sickness on the screen that you won't even notice and care.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Action Packed Thursdays: Pee Wee Quote-Along & Jiggy Crunk Sing-Along!

PEE WEE'S BIG ADVENTURE QUOTE-ALONG :: Thursday, Feb 25, 7pm, Ritz
JIGGY CRUNK: THE 90s POP RAP SING-ALONG :: Thursday, Feb 25, 9:45pm, Ritz :: Friday, Feb 26, Midnight, Village
There is probably no other reason on earth to put Pee Wee Herman and Vanilla Ice in the same picture together, but the awesomeness of Thursday at the Ritz demanded it! We're starting the evening off with possible THE funniest movie of all time, PEE WEE'S BIG ADVENTURE! Watch the most entertaining man who has ever roamed the earth embark on a cross-country quest to reclaim his kidnapped best friend: a bicycle. Along the way, ol' P.W. will encounter tough-as-nails bikers, giant dinosaurs, wild animals, ninjas, chubby billionaires, escaped convicts, buckin' broncos, tone-deaf hobos, unwanted romance, fibbing gypsies, clumsy Godzillas, basement-less Alamos, vengeful boyfriends and even an undead trucker! Fun didn't exist until Pee-Wee invented it, and now the most funrocious, funtacular, fungorious funsplosion in the history of FUN will finally get its due as the most funeriffic Quote-Along ever!
Also, this just in! We're having the MR. BREAKFAST SPECIAL (A pancake, two eggs, 2 pieces of bacon and a strawberry - maybe in face form!) on the menu for the Pee Wee show so we can all say "GOOD MORNING, MR. BREAKFAST!" and really mean it! We'll also have cheap tequila shots available, so after we all dance in the biker bar, we can get drunk in the biker bar!
After that's over, we're hitting the JIGGY CRUNK SING-ALONG for the third (I think?) year in a row! The old school rap was great, and the realism of Common and Mos Def can't be appreciated enough, but god damn it, the pop rap of the 1990s was just so incredibly catchy. It feels bad to admit how much we love it, but it feels good to go with it. We'll be reprising a lot of our favorite songs from last year's show, so don't worry about missing out on your Will Smith, Neneh Cherry, or even Vanilla Ice. But go ahead and grow your facial hair out and then shave it to ridiculously thin lines, because there's a good chance Color Me Badd will make an experience. And grow your dreadlocks out, then give them to someone else and let them pretend to be you, because HELL YES we're going to include Milli Vanilli.
So come on out, and hell, make it a double feature. Your friends will think you're crazy, but then you can just reply with "I know you are but what am I?" and shove it in their faces!!!
PEE WEE'S BIG ADVENTURE QUOTE-ALONG :: Thursday, Feb 25, 7pm, Ritz
JIGGY CRUNK: THE 90s POP RAP SING-ALONG :: Thursday, Feb 25, 9:45pm, Ritz :: Friday, Feb 26, Midnight, Village
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Never forget the insanity...VIVA VHS!!! This Wed at the Ritz!
The reality-removing megapower of VIVA VHS!
Wed, Feb 24 - 9:45 PM - Ritz
Cheap advance tickets HERE!
Come celebrate the bygone days when VHS was King! The folks from Seattle's Scarecrow Video have delved into their archives to unearth forgotten gems and mind-blowing revelations of magnetic mayhem for this special salute to the now neglected medium.
On December 23, 2008, the last shipment of VHS left the warehouse of the last remaining distributor of pre-recorded tapes. The media seized upon the opportunity to eulogize the home video format, claiming this was the final endpoint of a long, slow decline.
BUT...not everyone was ready to let VHS go. From attics and basements, from underneath beds and atop the highest closet shelves, from the racks of dollar stores and shelves of independent video stores, oddball tapes continued to emerge. And VCR heads are still spinning, illuminating eager faces with the glow of '80s boner comedies, erstwhile celebrity exercise tapes and homemade exploitation gorefests. VHS lives. Join us in paying tribute to the shining memory of mom & pop video stores and the enchanting wonders of home cinema.
Monday, February 22, 2010
MA VIE EN ROSE at The Ritz!
Hey Homo! presents: MA VIE EN ROSE
Tuesday, Feb 23 @ The Alamo Ritz
Advance tickets available here
February is the month for romance and so we here at Hey Homo! decided there is nothing more romantic than a child with gender-identity difficulties. That is why we have finally decided to present Ma Vie En Rose. For those queer and queer friendlies who have never seen this sweet little film, you are in for a treat. Ludovic is the cutest little seven-year old MtF you have ever laid eyes on. All of his hopes hinge on meeting the handsome romantic husband who will save him from his mean neighbors and embarrassed family. Ma Vie En Rose is a really endearing film that deals shamelessly with gender identity from the perspective of an innocent.
Get your tickets here!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Dimension-disrupting hilarity this Sunday and Monday at The Ritz!
Two shows! Cheap as hell!
If you like having a good time, your life has just been improved by 10,000%.
EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE! are the bona fide internet sensation video collective responsible for some of history’s most intriguing viral videos. From the yoga farmer teaching kids to stretch (creepily) to Cat Massage (just what you’d think), these guys are mining the VHS universe for all the best – and worst – bits. This isn’t some youtube compilation party. Every video is original, fantastic and f'ed up beyond belief. A truly haunting look into America’s freakish past!!
Their daily postings of genuinely ridiculous videos and out-of-context movie scenes ripped from old VHS releases have been hailed by MTV, Fox, Time, BoingBoing, Buzzfeed, WFMU, Videogum, Best Week Ever, The Soup, and Jezebel, while the CBC deemed it simply “The best site ever.”
But what separates EIT from the rest has to be their live show. The group will personally take you by the collective hands on a journey that asks: What if THE NEVERENDING STORY, THE HOLY MOUNTAIN and that weird sex cult scene from EYES WIDE SHUT all got together and made a baby? Now multiply that by a thousand and you’re still nowhere near the feeling of pleasure it brings. Your face will probably melt off, so come prepared with an extra face…
Get those tickets HERE!
Still not convinced? Try THIS on for size:
Saturday, February 20, 2010
WOOSAW! Bad Boys 2 is coming to the Ritz
Action Pack Theater presents
with live explosions and tons o' guns
Sundays, Feb 21 & 28 at the Alamo Ritz
Grab your advance tickets right here
Yeah, Michael Bay gets a lot of hate. And after he made Optimus Prime say, "My bad," in the first TRANSFORMERS, I even jumped on the anti-Bay wagon myself. But to this day, every time I get into any sort of conversation with a Bay basher I immediately end the argument before it can start using just three little words:
Cause when he took the buddy cop movie formula and just said, "Fuck it, I'm gonna go nuts all over this bitch," Michael Bay created True Classic Cinema and earned his spot at the top of the cinephile ranks right up there with Coppola, Godard and Melies. Yeah, I went there.
Come out and try to prove me wrong at this special Action Pack Theater screening hosting by myself and Greg MacLennan and featuring LIVE EXPLOSIONS in the theater, CAP GUNS for the first 100 people through the doors, and more FUCK YEAH moments than your non-Bay brain can handle.
We ride together, we die together. Bad boys for life.
(Henri Mazza)
Friday, February 19, 2010
Dimension-disrupting hilarity this Sunday and Monday at The Ritz!
Two shows! Cheap as hell!
If you like having a good time, your life has just been improved by 10,000%.
EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE! are the bona fide internet sensation video collective responsible for some of history’s most intriguing viral videos. From the yoga farmer teaching kids to stretch (creepily) to Cat Massage (just what you’d think), these guys are mining the VHS universe for all the best – and worst – bits. This isn’t some youtube compilation party. Every video is original, fantastic and f'ed up beyond belief. A truly haunting look into America’s freakish past!!
Their daily postings of genuinely ridiculous videos and out-of-context movie scenes ripped from old VHS releases have been hailed by MTV, Fox, Time, BoingBoing, Buzzfeed, WFMU, Videogum, Best Week Ever, The Soup, and Jezebel, while the CBC deemed it simply “The best site ever.”
But what separates EIT from the rest has to be their live show. The group will personally take you by the collective hands on a journey that asks: What if THE NEVERENDING STORY, THE HOLY MOUNTAIN and that weird sex cult scene from EYES WIDE SHUT all got together and made a baby? Now multiply that by a thousand and you’re still nowhere near the feeling of pleasure it brings. Your face will probably melt off, so come prepared with an extra face…
Get those tickets HERE!
Still not convinced? Try THIS on for size:
WOOSAW! Bad Boys 2 is coming to the Ritz
Action Pack Theater presents
with live explosions and tons o' guns
Sundays, Feb 21 & 28 at the Alamo Ritz
Grab your advance tickets right here
Yeah, Michael Bay gets a lot of hate. And after he made Optimus Prime say, "My bad," in the first TRANSFORMERS, I even jumped on the anti-Bay wagon myself. But to this day, every time I get into any sort of conversation with a Bay basher I immediately end the argument before it can start using just three little words:
Cause when he took the buddy cop movie formula and just said, "Fuck it, I'm gonna go nuts all over this bitch," Michael Bay created True Classic Cinema and earned his spot at the top of the cinephile ranks right up there with Coppola, Godard and Melies. Yeah, I went there.
Come out and try to prove me wrong at this special Action Pack Theater screening hosting by myself and Greg MacLennan and featuring LIVE EXPLOSIONS in the theater, CAP GUNS for the first 100 people through the doors, and more FUCK YEAH moments than your non-Bay brain can handle.
We ride together, we die together. Bad boys for life.
(Henri Mazza)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Sat Feb 20 -- 12:30 PM
The Cartoon Cereal Party has become an Alamo tradition, and we've ingested countless top notch episodes of life-affirming series like SUPER FRIENDS, G.I. JOE and THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS over the last few years. But now, ladies and gents, it's time for the MY LITTLE PONYs and RAINBOW BRITEs of the world to get their due respect. Time to dust off that keytar and show the world why the Holograms are more popular than the Misfits!
Forget that you grew up and got a job and started sleeping through Saturday mornings...the glory days are BACK! Because we're gonna bring you a 2.5 hour attack from the wildest girlie cartoons in the TV Netherworld! Just bring yourselves, and if you have a special spoon or stuffed animal, you can bring that too (pajamas are encouraged). Both the cartoons and the endless supply of cereal will unleash your powers of neon spandex, rainbow unicorns and FUN-HAVING until you reach a new level of superhuman powertimes! It's gonna be truly truly TRULY outrageous!
With special co-host SARAH PITRE of the Ritz's GIRLIE NIGHT!
Tickets are CHEAP! Get 'em HERE!
Get to the Corner Just in Time to See the Bus Fly By
Retro TV at the Alamo:
Weds, 2/17 and 2/24 at the Alamo Ritz
Advance tix available here
"Hey Hey Hey- WHAT is going ON here!!!"
There's never been another "sitcom" like SAVED BY THE BELL, and no matter how much the Disney channel tries to replicate it's magic over and over again, it's likely that there'll never be one ever again. Some of the haters out there might thing that's a good thing, but to those haters I can only say, "Here's something I learned in French class - Au revoir, creep!"
Lots of people smarter than me have talked about why SAVED BY THE BELL has had such staying power and still resonates with so many people who grew up in the late 80s and 90s. I'm not really interested in the why, though, or if it's better to appreciate it all ironically or as the true art that it is. I just like the idea of celebrating this odd little show that really never should have been a phenomenon at all, and watching some of the best episodes of the series with a room full of other people who get it.
And that's exactly what we'll be doing tonight at the Ritz (and next week at the Village, too). We've put together a collection of our favorite SAVED BY THE BELL episodes, and at each show we'll have the audience choose which episodes we watch. We'll quote key lines out loud, play the "studio audience" drinking game, and at select shows we'll have live renditions of key scenes by select members of Austin's own STAGED BY THE BELL cast!
Trust me, this is a night you should be SO EXCITED for.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Mardi Gras gets Sexy at the Ritz
Fat Tues, Feb 16, 7pm at the Alamo Ritz
Advance tix available here
The Action Pack presents
Fat Tues, Feb 16, 9:45p at the Alamo Ritz
Advance tix available here
There's so much promise in the idea of Mardi Gras - lust! sin! fun! - but so often the result of a Fat Tuesday party is nothing but anti-climactic. Tonight at the Ritz, though, we're gonna make sure that your excuse to call in sick on a Wednesday is more than just a run-of-the-mill hangover.
First up at 7pm, Girlie Night is presenting the most preposterously "sexy" movie of the 1990s, CRUEL INTENTIONS. In this made-for-teens-at-the-time retelling of DANGEROUS LIAISONS, Ryan Phillipe wants to sleep with Buffy, but she says she'll only do him if he can get Reese Witherspoon to forget all about her Sweet Home Alabama and do the nasty with him. In the meantime, Buffy also decides to make out with Hellboy's girlfriend, because in the late '90s having two girls make out with each other was pretty much all you needed to have in your movie to guarantee box office gold.
Sarah Pitre will host this screening full of specialty cocktails (The Annette Martini! Blonde, sweet, and unbelievably tempting!) and tons of extra swooning. Definitely not to be missed.
On the other side of sexy fun, the Action Pack will be hosting their third year of the Mardi Gras Sexy Pop Masquerade Sing-Along. Every awesome pop and dance song about sex will be in this music video maelstrom, so you can want our sex along with George Michael, sex us up with Color Me Badd, and bring sexy back with Justin (who'll also be there to tell you all about love and sex and magic).
We'll have tons of beads at the show so you can go back out onto Sixth Street fully armed and ready for the insanity, and the party inside our doors is 100% guaranteed to be full of actual fun, unlike the party outside where people just wander around in the cold and wonder which girl is gonna take her top off.
Plus! Wear a masquerade mask and you can save $2 on the price of admission. And then since no one will know who you are, you can take anyone's top off without fear or shame!
Music Monday: SOUL POWER
Tonight at the Ritz - Only $2!
Advance tickets available here
In 1974, the most celebrated American R&B acts of the time came together with the most renowned musical groups in Africa for a 12-hour, three-night long concert held in Kinshasa, Zaire. The dream-child of Hugh Masekela and Stewart Levine, this music festival became a reality when they convinced boxing promoter Don King to combine the event with "The Rumble in the Jungle," the epic fight between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman, previously chronicled in the Academy Award-winning documentary WHEN WE WERE KINGS. SOUL POWER is a verité documentary about this legendary music festival (dubbed "Zaire '74"), and it depicts the experiences and performances of such musical luminaries as James Brown, BB King, Bill Withers, Celia Cruz, among a host of others. At the peak of their talents and the height of their careers, these artists were inspired by this return to their African roots, as well as the enthusiasm of the Zairian audience, to give the performances of their lives. SOUL POWER finally provides today’s audience the opportunity to experience this historic musical event in all of its magnificent, filmed glory.
Get your tickets here
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Friday, Saturday & Sunday, 6:30pm screenings
Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar
Last month, before select screenings of DAYBREAKERS, we helped launch a new episodic series called THE INTERGALACTIC NEMESIS Living Comic Book. Based on the locally-produced graphic novel of the same name, the Living Comic Book brings the action to life right in the theater. Writer/director Jason Neulander and his band of talented voice actors and foley artists (including Alamo Foleyvision hero Buzz Moran!) project panels from the graphic novel on screen and then dub all the dialogue and sound effects live. The result is a one-of-a-kind, live-theater/radio-serial explosion of intergalactic intrigue that leaves you dying to know what happens next.
Before these screenings of THE LIGHTNING THIEF, enjoy a live, 10-minute performance of The Intergalactic Nemesis Living Comic Book!
For more information, visit
Based on the 129-week New York Times Bestselling series Percy Jackson & The Olympians and directed by HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE-helmer Chris Columbus?! Let Percy-mania COMMENCE!
It's the 21st century, but the gods of Mount Olympus and assorted monsters have walked out of the pages of high school student Percy Jackson's Greek mythology texts and into his life. And they're not happy: Zeus' lightning bolt has been stolen, and Percy is the prime suspect. Even more troubling is the sudden disappearance of Percy's mother. As Percy finds himself caught between angry and battling gods, he and his friends embark on a cross-country adventure to catch the true lightning thief, save Percy's mom, and unravel a mystery more powerful than the gods themselves.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The New Movement presents
Weds, Feb 10, 9:45pm at the Alamo Ritz
Advance tix available here
It's back, and this time it's better than ever! Unless you bring a bunch of crap to the theater, then it'll be worse than ever! Because for OPEN SCREEN NIGHT, we're once again handing the reins of our screen over to you and showing absolutely anything you bring to the show.
Want to show off the new short film you just made? Perfect, bring it in. Wanna make everyone watch a particularly uncomfortable clip on YouTube? Just give us the URL and we'll put it up. Have a favorite home movie or super embarrassing clip of your college roommate? Bring that in, too!
And even if you don't have anything to show this time, come on out to have your mind blown. You never know what you're going to see at Open Screen Night, but somewhere in there you'll definitely get a special treat. And if anything crappy gets shown you'll only have to suffer through two minutes of it before our gonger can respond to your boos and get that garbage off the screen with one mighty bang on his gong.
We're teaming up with The New Movement for this OSN relaunch and combining the old school Open Screen format with a touch of our YouTube Party and the Alamo Public Access show from last year. We're going to curate a few of our favorite videos, show as many submitted videos as possible, and at the end of the night we're giving away $100 to whoever brings the best video!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Star Trekkin' Across the Universe
Tues, Feb 9 at the Alamo Ritz
Advance tickets available here
J.J. Abrams' "Star Trek" was one of the top grossing films of 2009. Now, see THE highest-grossing-improvised-parody-of-the-tv-show-that-inspired-that-movie of 2009!
"Start Trekkin", produced by the Hideout Theatre, played to a near sold-out house last fall at the Alamo South Lamar, so now they're bringing their completely improvised parody of the classic tv show to the Alamo Ritz.
Based on audience suggestions, the show's comedic cast will boldly create a never-before-seen space epic set in the original Star Trek universe, preceded by a series of interactive improv games and scenes - including live improvised dubbing of classic Star Trek tv clips and 60s era commercials!
Win a chance for tickets to upcoming Hideout Theatre shows by coming in costume, or trying out your best Kirk impersonation.
You'll be stunned by... authentic music and sound effects! fake rocks and cheap-looking sets! thinly veiled social allegory!
The final frontier will never be the same.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Heart of Stone? Just add Ice!
The Action Pack presents
COOL AS ICE in HeckleVision
your texted heckles appear on screen under the movie!
Sun, Feb 7, 9:30pm at the Alamo Ritz
Advance tickets available here
I was only fourteen years old when this "hip hop" remake of REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE featuring Vanilla Ice in the James Dean role hit theaters, but even though as a card carrying white suburbanite I was of course a proud owner of To The Extreme and knew all of the words to "Ice Ice Baby," I was still disappointed by how horrible COOL AS ICE was. But that was then.
Looking back on it with fresh eyes now, though? I can see this film for the crowning cinematic achievement it always was. I could never adequately describe the experience of watching this magical gem with a crowd in a darkened theater, but do yourself a favor and head over to YouTube to check out the romantic montage.
Because of course you can't start to fall in love with someone from a different cultural upbringing without running around inside a suburban home construction site! Duh!
Vanilla's hair alone is worth the price of admission to this one, but of course this is a HeckleVision show, so we'll be projecting your texted heckles up onto the screen, too. You might want to write a couple of zingers ahead of time, because it's going to be tough to be funnier than the dialog in the movie: "Yeah, whackhead tried to play baseball with my homeboy's bike!" (Henri Mazza)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Learn how to Fix the World!
Now Playing at the Alamo Ritz!
Advance tickets available here
"3 1/2 Stars. The Yes Men’s bravery and unflagging sense of optimistically doomed humor – which comes across as a quixotic version of Monty Python by way of Upton Sinclair – is to be applauded and, wherever possible, acted upon."
Marc Savlov, The Austin Chronicle
Ever since we caught THE YES MEN FIX THE WORLD at SXSW last year, we’ve been keeping an eye on it to give it the full, big screen theatrical treatment it deserves. Well, we can give our eyes a rest now because it opens this Friday at the Ritz!
Not only is this film a comedy riot, but it also has the power to incite riots- like turning over cars, shopkeepers on roofs with sniper rifles, flaming effigies riots! Somehow, the humble culture-jamming duo known collectively as The Yes Men managed to raise their little self-funded pet project into the international limelight, establishing themselves as the definitive fearless avengers against corporate greed and excess. And how these two aren’t in jail is CRAZY! They defrauded Dow Chemical of 2 billion in stock in ONE DAY!
Alright, spoiler alert: The Yes Men don’t actually fix the world. But what they accomplish is a huge step in the right direction. Their courageous, seemingly illegal, potentially deadly and always hysterical methods of exposing “the truth” will leave everybody ready to join the revolution. Maybe we already knew things needed to change, but the Yes Men show us why.
This is the funniest civic duty of the year, don’t miss it. Get your tickets here.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn...
The Action Pack presents the
Wednesdays Feb 3, 10 & 17 at the Alamo Village
Thursdays Feb 4, 11 & 18 at the Alamo Ritz
Advance tix for Village shows here, and tickets for Ritz shows here!
MOULIN ROUGE has been one of the Action Pack's longest running Sing-Alongs, and for good reason. No matter how many times we experience the story of Christian and his sparkling diamond, we never fail to get chills when they harmonize together in "Come What May" or to get a little lump in our throat when we sing-along to Christian's "Whyyyy dooesss my HEART CRY??"
We've added full runs of most of our shows to the Village's regular programming schedule now, and MOULIN ROUGE is no different. Join us Wednesdays at that theater or come down for our regular residency on Thursdays at the Alamo Ritz for confetti, can can dancing, green fairies, hat tossing and more.
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. And that's really a lesson best learned in a theater full of fans. (Henri Mazza)
Monday, February 1, 2010
One Night Only - Fright Fest!

Advance tickets available here
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this is your one chance to see the most fearless duo in cinema history face off in a battle of the ages. That's right, yes sir, it's the gruesome twosome, the horrifying pair that stalk the night in search of everything wicked: lusting for blood, for power, for revenge, but most of all, for blood!
Oh yes, for one night only the two most terrifying, electrifying, murder-minded monsters are going to appear together on stage and screen for a night of blood-curdling, bone-shaking, pant-soiling screams!
Are you tough enough to face these ghouls in the dark, danger-defying Ritz theatre? Oh you think so, hero? Just wait until you're face to face with the Monster, a creature mixed up and sewn together from the parts of dead bodies from the cemetery and brought to life through the power of lightning! Wait until you can smell the raw meat dangling from the teeth of the largest, most lawless, lowdown, lustful, lousy, lecherous, lurching lycanthrope!
You'll be howling and running through the aisles when you see Lon Chaney, Jr. as the Wolfman. You don't want to be near him when the moon is full and the clock strikes midnight. Something changes in him...something real bad...
You'll also want to flee from Bela Lugosi as The Monster. He looks harmless, well, from a distance. But up close you see the scars, the ghastly body that God himself did not create. A crime against nature, this grisly beast has the brain of a criminal madman!
Will you be strong enough to make it through this most horrid, frightful event? Will you have to look away in terror?
Get your tickets for this great show now...if you dare!!!!!